Why Everyone Should Parasite Cleanse - And Where To Start
It is estimated that close to 37 percent of people worldwide have some sort of helminth parasite.
Parasites are part of our microbiome, and we are constantly exposed to them through contaminated food, like undercooked meat, drinking water, the air we breathe, contact with contaminated feces, our surroundings, and so on. There is nothing wrong with having parasites! We are meant to live harmoniously with bacteria, yeasts, and parasites. However, problems start to arise when there’s an overgrowth of these organisms. During this time, the immune system is no longer doing its job, which allows these pathogens to gain the upper hand.
However, parasites don’t have to be a problem. Because parasites feed off of what we eat and thrive on junk food - sugar, in particular - upgrading your diet could help solve your parasite problem. Parasites are also more likely to multiply in people with microbiome imbalances or compromised immune systems. Perhaps you can see how this is a vicious cycle - poor health weakens the immune system, thus attracting parasites, and an overgrowth of parasites weakens your health even more.
Parasites carry 6-8x their weight in other toxins, infections, and viruses. By reducing your parasitic load, you reduce your overall toxic load. This, in turn, gives your body a chance to breathe and become less inflamed, which gives the immune system the upper hand and allows it to begin working properly.
The link between the full moon and parasites
If you have parasites, you may feel more symptomatic or unwell around the week of the full moon. If you find yourself feeling depressed, anxious, craving sugar, unable to sleep, with increased levels of pain in your body, diarrhea, constipation, or general weakness and fatigue, it may be due to this period of higher parasite activity.
How does the full moon affect parasites??
Well… the brightness of the full moon naturally creates a drop in melatonin production, which downregulates the immune system. The combination of less melatonin and more serotonin in your body during this time gives parasites a heightened ability to move around and cause issues. Also, your body’s circadian rhythm responds to the moon’s cycle, and parasites are more active and reproductive, coinciding with your circadian rhythm.
Before you start parasite cleansing, work on Supporting drainage pathways!
Before you start parasite cleansing, it’s critical that you work on your drainage pathways for at least 30 days. Many practitioners skip drainage work, which causes patients to experience severe symptoms and relapse.
Before you can focus on detoxing, aka killing pathogens and or/detoxing harmful chemicals out of the body, drainage pathways need to be open and stay open.
Drainage pathways in the body include the liver and bile ducts, colon, lymphatic/glymphatic system, kidneys, and skin.
As you look at the diagram, on the left is a healthy drainage funnel, and on the right is an unhealthy drainage funnel.
However, the most important part of the funnel is the bottom. If the colon gets backed up, everything above gets backed up (see right image, colon area).
how to start parastie cleasning
First, I recommend doing at least 30 days of Phase 1: Energy & Drainage and then transitioning to the Para Kit from Cellcore. Instructions on how to use the supplements are included in each kit. However, working with a certified health practitioner is always best to make sure there are no contraindications with your current health regimen. The link to order Phase 1: Energy & Drainage and the Para Kit from Cellcore is below.
Always consult your doctor before starting any new supplement or health routine.
To learn more about Phase 1: Energy & Drainage, click here.
Click HERE to register as a CellCore customer
The patient direct code is: LqihQnwz
However, everybody’s bodies are different, so working with a trusted health practitioner is always the safest way to ensure you are safely detoxing. With that said, I would be happy to work with you! To schedule with me, click here!
Happy Parasite Cleansing:)
Written and edited by: Cameron Gildea INHC, and Paola Xhuli, MPH
The information and supplements provided is not medical advice and is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. Always consult your doctor before starting any new supplement or health routine.
Haque R. (2007). Human intestinal parasites. Journal of health, population, and nutrition, 25(4), 387–391.
Roundworms Cleveland Clinic July 2013. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/15240-roundworms
Tapeworm Infection Mayo Clinic https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/tapeworm/symptoms-causes/syc-20378174
Versini, M., Jeandel, P., Bashi, T. et al. Unraveling the Hygiene Hypothesis of helminthes and autoimmunity: origins, pathophysiology, and clinical applications. BMC Med 13, 81 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12916-015-0306-7