Low Tox Products I love & recommend

Scientists estimate that the average adult carries at least 700 toxins within their body, while a newborn’s body can contain over 200 toxins.

Most people don’t realize that they are CONTINUOUSLY being exposed to toxins - the constant exposure results in an ever-increasing body burden, or toxic load, of chemicals. One of the most common exposures is to toxic farm chemicals: pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers. Other sources of toxicants include materials used in new construction, carpet chemicals that can off-gas into the air, paint, household cleaners, mixed metals used in dental repairs, synthetic materials found in dental products, and even personal hygiene products applied to face, skin, and hair. Air pollutants are found in regional or work industrial areas, primary or second-hand smoke exposure, and auto exhaust. On a daily basis, your liver, kidneys, large intestine, lymphatic system, and sweat glands work to reduce the body burden, or buildup, of these environmental contaminants.

Click here for my ultimate detox guide.

Reduce your toxic burden by:


What you put on your fork matters; a whole food nourishing organic diet will support the body before, during, and after detox. Food works with all seven of our body systems for optimal function. Food is information that controls gene expression, hormones, and metabolism.

Reading labels thoroughly and being aware of chemicals in everyday products, going organic and washing fruits and vegetables, and eliminating processed foods

Choose Organic When possible!

Filtering your WATER

Whether we realize it or not, we ALL come into contact with chemicals EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. These chemicals enter the body when we eat, drink, clean, put cosmetics on, etc., and they’re absorbed through the skin and GI tract, which is how they enter the bloodstream.

Filter Your Water!

Filtering your AIR

According to the EPA, in 1985, indoor air quality can be up to 500 times more polluted than outdoor air. Your home is like a Ziploc bag containing airborne pollutants that can’t escape. When you breathe polluted air, you introduce toxins into every cell of your body. The air circulates throughout your entire body, impacting internal organs, including the heart, lungs, kidneys, and liver.

Filter Your Air

Working on opening up Drainage pathways

Work on opening up drainage pathways in the body, including the liver and bile ducts, colon, lymphatic/glymphatic system, kidneys, and skin.

Limit the toxin exposures that you can control


Here are some ways to reduce chemical exposures by making small changes and swaps in your life and living environment. The benefit of these lifestyle changes is lessening the toxic burden on the body so that the detoxification systems in the body are more able to handle the toxin exposures that you can’t control.

Low- Tox brands I love & use



Shampoo & Conditioner

Dry Shampoo:



Body Care:


Cruciferous Vegetables are medicine


My 2023 Healthy Holiday Gift Guide