10 Tips for Staying Healthy During the Holidays

These are my top healthy holiday tips to make it through any occasion without derailing your health goals

1. Reach for greens.

Fill at least half of your plate with a green veggie, like green beans or Brussels sprouts. If you don’t think there will be a healthy veggie side dish where you’re headed for the holidays, volunteer to bring one.

2. Choose a carb.

Instead of going wild on every carb-heavy dish at the table, pick your favorite. This strategy will help you keep from overdoing it on carbs and ensure that you’re truly enjoying what you do choose. 

3. Load up on protein.

Whatever protein is being served will be your secret weapon for not going overboard on sugar later. Stick with a portion about the size of the palm of your hand. Protein helps to balance your blood sugar and ease cravings.

4. Have an “emergency” gut-supportive supplement on hand.

Talk to your doctor about what you should keep accessible for accidental food trigger exposure. Your doctor can suggest specific digestive enzymes that can assist you in breaking down harder-to-digest proteins and binders such as activated charcoal that help to rid the body of unwanted substances more efficiently. Additionally, taking probiotics, digestive bitters, or ginger tablets can also help promote quicker movement through your system if you start to experience a bit of nausea, bloating, or gas. Always be sure to ask your physician about the ideal brands, dosage, and variety that will be the best for you.

5. Pick your booze carefully or skip altogether.

Not all alcohol is created equal, so if you do drink, knowing how different types and amounts of booze can affect you will help you drink smarter. Try picking a drink that isn't full of dangerous additives. Drinking, a vodka soda with a dash of cranberry, an organic red wine, or a spiked kombucha might be easier for your body to chew through by the next day. You can also support your ability to metabolize alcohol by taking a B-complex vitamin beforehand.

6. Get moving!

Do some sort of physical movement the day of, whether it’s a walk, jog, or just stretching on your yoga mat. Moving your body with help with digestion later on.

7. Don’t forget breakfast.

Have a light, high-protein breakfast. Eating protein boosts your metabolism throughout the day, keeps you satiated and by having some first thing, you’re turning on the “on” switch of your metabolism.

8. Find an outlet for stress other than food.

The reality is a lot of families are stressful for people to come home to and holidays have a way of bringing out tensions. Or you might be running between family members and locations trying to keep everyone happy. If any of these sound familiar, notice if stress, irritation, or anxiety is driving you to eat more than you might otherwise and go for a walk, meditate or call your best friend instead.

9. Be kind to your gut.

Try drinking warm water with lemon first thing in the morning, staying away from the usual inflammatory foods like sugar, dairy and, gluten, and prioritizing rest and movement will surely help you feel better.

10. Enjoy!

Whatever choices you make, decide to be ok with them and move on. Don’t beat yourself up or use overdoing it as an excuse to keep overdoing it at every holiday party or event you attend. Life is all about balance. 

Written by Cameron Gildea - INHC


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